Damir Leopold Sertić
My musical findings:
I do not believe ...
... music has to sound ugly ...
...to be called NEW.
The natural math of overtones in every tone ...
...leads on to a dominant seventh. -
This means, - ...
... every tone aims to another. -
... Isn't this wonderful?
Nothing connects us to our higher self and God more easily than music.

Pianist Composer Singer Songwriter Damir / Damn Ear | Damir L. Sertić | Salzburg Sertic
Artwork by Bruno Schwengl, Salzburg, February 2020
Events & News
Singing Seminars with Catarina Lybeck
It is always enriching to act as piano accompanist for the singing seminars of my colleague Catarina Lybeck. She really inspires everyone to sing. We have about six recurring projects each year at Schloss Goldegg and Bildungshaus Schloss Puchberg.
The next dates in 2025 are:
Jesus Christ Superstar
28-29 March
As it is in Heaven
2-4 May
Musical Pure
16-17 May
Summer Singing
4-6 July
ABBA the Workshop
10-12 October
Singing into the Advent
21-23 November
More Information on:

My new song "Warning!" was ranked among the top 25 by the Fm4 committee at the Protest Song Contest 2024.
I'm happy to release this song soon.
Listen here:
Fm4 - the Top 25
Crossover Concert
The first sentence of the newspaper article is not true, that I posses perfect pitch, but the concert evening on July 15, 2023 in Pichl at two different locations - first with a classical piano program, and then with an alternative song program in the second part - was a really wonderful experience and a successful experiment that should be repeated.

Move to a new studio
I have been living in a new studio since July 2022. The loft with its 4 m high ceiling is ideal for teaching piano and preparing for concerts. With almost no neighbors who could feel disturbed. My grand piano feels more at home and sounds much better in this larger space.
A musical Thank-You!
This Movement by Mozart was a "Thank-You" from my home to the Austrian government for financial support during the Covid 19 crisis in the form of the Hardship Fund.

Homage a Beethoven
On 14th of March 2020 my homage to L. v. Beethoven for his 250th birthday was pulished. I feel honored to be part of Susanne Kessel’s enormous project. Thanks to Susanne for producing this whole project and the wonderful recording which is avalable on Bandcamp and to Nikolas Sideris for the publication of the sheet music Edition in Volume 9. For more information about the piece and the extraordinary ideas behind it, feel welcome to visit:
250 piano pieces for Beethoven
In March 2019, I took the liberty to cover one of my favorite Songs by Björk – "Hyperballad".

Back to the roots
Now that I have successfully completed my doctoral studies, I have more time to be musically creative again. The translation of my thesis summary from German into English and Croatian has been completed and the results of my research are now available here for inspection in all three languages.