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My Songs

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The hand gesture on the cover image means "warning" in English sign language.

Photographed by Viktoria Faust-Göll (Foto August Studio, Sbg). Artwork by Damir L. Sertić. 


Warning! | Damir / Damn Ear | Damir Leopold Sertić | Composer Songwriter | Salzburg | Pianist Singer | own Song Songs

A poetic socially critical song that is intended to make people think about wasting time, hatred, selfishness, lost values, the danger of handing everything into the hands of AI, the search for planets that can be populated instead of making more effort to preserve our earth and the frightening world overpopulation.

Stronger Forces

Stronger Forces

Photographed by Lárus Sigurdarson, Artwork by Hallmar Freyr Þorvaldsson

Stronger Forces | Damir / Damn Ear | Damir Leopold Sertić | Composer Songwriter | Salzburg | Pianist Singer | own Song Songs

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You're Still There

You're Still There

Photographed and filmed by Christine Zimmermann. Artwork by Damir L. Sertić

You’re Still There | Damir / Damn Ear | Damir Leopold Sertić | Composer Songwriter | Salzburg | Pianist Singer | own Song Songs

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Alpine Rhapsody | Damir / Damn Ear | Damir Leopold Sertić | Composer Songwriter | Salzburg | Pianist Singer | own Song Songs | yodeling

Alpine Rhapsody


Learning To Love Again


Learning to Love Again | Damir / Damn Ear | Damir Leopold Sertić | Composer Songwriter | Salzburg | Pianist Singer | own Song Songs

Beast in Humans | Damir / Damn Ear | Damir Leopold Sertić | Composer Songwriter | Salzburg | Pianist Singer | own Song Songs 

Beast in Humans


Drafts by Manish K. Mishra


Statement to the music video „Stronger Forces“


Some people have asked me how I arrived at the idea for this single and the accompanying video „Stronger Forces“.
In all it took a year and a half. I have to confess that the Idea for the video occurred to me first when I almost cut my hair in 2010 because it was driving me crazy.

I thought at that time, after 7 years with long hair, that it was such a pity I had never taken any good photos featuring it. So I wanted to make a provocative presentation of a haircut. Few secconds later I was sure it had to be a music video, and the hair had to become shorter and shorter, changing the styles as it was cut. A while later I was sure that I could not finish with a good hairstyle but it would have to go over from one extreme to another: the bald head. After that, it was obvious that the movie had to be speeded up to make all this happen in the time taken by one song. My body and mouth movements had to be synchronized with the music. Does anyone know how I solved this problem? 

But what song could fit this theme? That was the biggest question! „I change for you....“? No!! How cheesy and boring! - There are thousand of songs like that!

Then, once I was in Munich on the metro and was wondering about electricity and power, and the words „stronger powers or forces“ came into my mind. We are always surrounded by them, wherever we look. All these forces affect our lives to the highest degree and make life worth living, even when we are not aware of many of these forces and are not able to explain them to ourselves. I wanted to concentrate in my song only on good and positive forces - forces we can and should trust in. In the news and meda one is exposed to more than enough negative energy anyway. So everything came together well:

The stronger forces are in the video, for example the hands that change me. Change is also a higher power, just as time is which is played with in this video. The white background is not only functional to show the hair better, but stands for the purity, the divine, which I will be taken towards more and more until the end, then merging into it. My message is here: trust in that, from which all of us have come, and of which each of us are already part, and in which we will be ultimately reunited! With a smile on my face I give myself up to this higher power which unifies of all of us. The embrace of the white background stands for love, friendship, self acceptance, freedom and harmony. The bald head fits well also, because the loss of the hair can stand for purification. This is not necessarily aout being „the victim“ which sounds a little too strictly catholic. That is why I would like to keep this term at a distance. But there was a victim. Just for the sake of art. And it was not the cutting of the hair itself. It was the fact that I had to keep my long hair until the realisation of this video.

I've put over Facebook a small team in Reykjavik together, with which I could realize this vision in my Iceland vacation in October 2011.  It was a mad experience and a wonderful time. Big thanks to the team.

Stronger Forces



When your moves and your body are out of control

You feel them


When the electricity in the air makes you magnetic

You feel them


Oh when another persons tears are running down your face

You feel them


Stronger forces surround us, stronger forces surround us

Let them influence, let them influence

Get addicted to them, Let's get addicted to them ...



When you are in unison with nature and yourself

you feel them


When something special happens and you have a premonition 

You can feel them


Oh when peace and love inspire you everything is possible

You feel them



Stronger forces surround us, stronger forces surround us

Let them influence, let them influence

Get addicted to them, Let's get addicted to them ...

Lyrics - Damir / Damn Ear



Some are waiting too long for something,

missing their lives


Some see the bad rather than the good, 

hate rather than love


Some wolves are kindly invited

clothed as white sheep 


Some value their own worth more

than the value of all the Big ... Big Bang


This is a warning! 

This is a warning! 


Exchanging too many old values 

for new fakes 


Some believe all this perfection around us 

is coincidence 


Working hard on something, 

while knowing, all it will destroy


Sucking dry the Mother,

while looking for another ... another earth


This is a warning! 

This is a warning! …


Twice as many of us 

in just 50 years

How many of us 

in another 50 years?


This is a warning! 

Lyrics - Damir / Damn Ear

Youre Still There



I don't care

who now wakes up next to you

I don't care

who may smell and taste you

who's allowed to look deep into your eyes

and whispers sweet nothings in your ear some times


I don't care

who is now witness to your life

I don't care

who makes you smile now or cry

who now satisfy his craving for you

who you give yourself to


The main thing is:

You're still there

You're still there ...


I don't care

that the years are flying by

I don't care

what you call me after so long a time

if you hate me and how far you're away

But I do care how you are and pray


Cause the main thing is:

You're still there

You're still there somewhere 


You're still there

And I don't care

Lyrics - Damir / Damn Ear

Learning to Love Again



Seems so easy, so very easy

when I view others.

Earlier, before I buried my heart twice

I could once do it too


I will learn to love again

I will learn to love again ...


And everything goes on

goes on

Fallen into a trap, hurt, escaped

though I can't fly yet


oh, I will learn to love again

I will learn to love again ...


You are by my side

hold on to me

you never let me go; my mind says:

"You are perfect to me"


So, I should learn to love again

I should learn to love again ...


I will learn to love again

I will learn to love again …

Lyrics - Damir / Damn Ear

Beast in Humans



We actually don't want to be unfair

We actually don't want to be mean

We actually don't want to cheat on each other

And actually we don't want to provoke


But the beast in humans

The beast in humans …

Can't recognize itself in the mirror …


We actually don't want to fight together

We actually don't want to be rude

We actually don't want to hurt each other

And actually we don't want to play war


Well, the beast in humans …

The beast in humans …

Can't recognize itself


The beast in humans …

Cant recognize itself in the mirror

In the mirror ...

Lyrics - Damir / Damn Ear


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